I don’t consider myself an angry person. In fact, I consider myself pretty level headed most times. There are times where I do seem to lose my mind for a minute or two but come on, who doesn’t? It’s not like I turn into a giant green beast and go ripping through a city or anything; although, that would be kind of cool. Sometimes I just get a little overwhelmed with the stressors in life that we all have to deal with. The funny thing is that it’s not the big ticket items that really get me going; it’s all the small stuff that adds up and makes me blow a gasket. That might sound a little weird to some people but that seems to be what happens with most things in life. You get nickeled and dimmed into something a lot easier so why should stressful situations be any different. I think it’s because we’re forced to deal with the big stuff when it happens and kind of just push away or dismiss the small things that seem unimportant or trivial at the time. The problem with that is, after a while they add up and now you’re stuck with a bunch of small things you didn’t deal with and are frustrated with all the build up that needs to be taken care of. Cumulative stressors are way more dangerous to me because of it; even though I know I shouldn’t sweat the small stuff and make a mountain out of a molehill. The most important thing is to make sure that things don’t get too out of control. I have my outlets like hitting the gym or jumping on my bike for a nice day of riding; although, not letting these things build up in the first place would probably be a lot more simple. I don’t believe in a stress free life but I guess the trick to a less stressful life is a healthy outlet and a good understanding of what’s important enough to deal with or what to just let go. What about you? Are you in control of how you handle or deal with the negatives that come into your life?