God Bless America! There’s a lot to be said about how this country was founded and what it took to build to greatness. It takes a lot more than vision and direction to build a country and we owe all we have to the true working man and woman. Looking back to the way our fathers our fathers fathers and our fathers fathers fathers lived their lives is amazing. There weren’t any government structured programs that just poured out money and help to all that asked. You went out, worked and earned. Things were that simple and the measure of a man was greatly attributed to how much of himself he put into his work. You would stand by what you did because it was more than just your job and livelyhood. It was a matter of pride for doing what you were paid to do and squaring the deal. I’m very proud to say that I was passed my work ethic from a long line of hard working and proud family. My grandfather was a janitor at a school and worked very hard to make sure that he put his heart into his job. He was recognized as a man that stood by his work and would be proud to say that he was earning an honest dollar. If there’s something that he passed down to my family it’s how to be proud of an honest days work and to do your best at anything you did. After all; if something’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right. I know I didn’t wanna hear it so much when I was younger and I hated having to work for everything I wanted but I’m better for it now and wouldn’t go back to change it if I could. Whenever there’s a job to be done I make sure I do it to a standard that was set for me by the people in life that came before me. I have no problems working from sun up to sun down and then some. The issues I do have with extra work is just that, the extra work. My job is my job and I’m glad to do it. The extra work is usually work I’m having to pick up for the people that don’t quite exhibit the same views on what it means to pull your own weight. I’m not afraid to put in the time but I hate doing extra work or someone elses job for no other reason than they just dont want to for whatever reason they can come up with to be lazy. Where is the personal ownership and sense of responsibility? I can say without question that I earn my paycheck and try to go above of what’s expected of me. How’s your work ethic? What would your father, fathers father or fathers fathers father say about how your carrying the name they worked hard all their lives to give you?