Some things are hard for me to understand or grasp. Like why so many people are against change. It’s one thing to not like or agree with certain changes and another to be against change all together. Maybe change just means something different to me than it does to others. I see change as a good thing and a sign of me evolving as a person and moving forward in life. If everything is the same day in and day out, then I don’t feel like I’m just standing still. Instead I see myself moving backwards because I’m not only staying in the same spot, but I’m losing the the ground that I would have gained if I was moving forward. Before I think about where I want to be or doing in the future I take a cold hard look at who I am and what I’m doing right now. Then I ask myself who I have to be and what I have to do to get there. Insanity by definition is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. If I want to be in a different place in life, I have to change how I live and the choices I make to start paving that path. Some people like where they’re at, where they’re going and how they’re getting there. That’s great, but variety is the spice of life and even small changes like trying different foods or hobbies can mean the difference between actually living life or just kind of existing. Get busy living or get busy dying. I’m going to make my time count, embrace the changes in life and live with purpose. What about you? Got Change?