They say that you can count on two things, no matter what, taxes and death. I’m not arguing against those but would like to interject a third…war. Whether or not there has been an actual declaration of war is irrelevant, war is happening. It’s the mindset behind conflict and can be fought in every way imaginable for any reason imaginable. This has and forever will be the way of the world so long as mankind is still alive. We have war within ourselves, war with neighbors, war with ideologies and religion. The mindset of war against something is the idea that the mission at hand is the priority over almost everything. Tribes fighting between themselves has now become world powers fighting and posturing against each other. Strategic placements of troops and supplies is only the beginning and completely understandable. Where it starts to get scary…the race to find the best and most efficient way to bring destruction to others, the sword. Not as scary but still something to note is the best and most efficient way to stop, prevent or otherwise negate and active attack, the shield. Taking a couple of steps back, we can see that smart tactics, a swift and efficient sword, and an impenetrable shield are important things to bring with you, if you’re in the mindset of war. Apply that to the personal wars you fight against things like lack of motivation, depression or failure. Might as well play into the way of the world and capitalize on everything it has to offer. What do you think? Is war a never ending part of life? When fighting a personal battle against your demons, what’s your sword, shield and tactics? Is it better to be ready and fight the war or avoid it all together?