College has become this mythological beast that seems to loom over everyones future success. It’s drilled into our heads that we need a degree for any semblance of job consideration or performance prospects. Want a nice car? Go to college! Want a nice house? Get your degree! Are we changing the tone of what it means to be successful? Yes, there are great opportunities for personal growth, new experiences and getting a good education. If college is the route you want to take to get there, more power to you, I am rooting for you. What about the people that don’t want college or don’t need college on the roadmap to their happiness. Maybe money is an issue or you are looking for a 4 year alternative like specialized certification? Are we telling them that everyone has to fit in this mould to find success? Someone that learns a trade, is a skilled veteran, or has a good work ethic can make it just as far in this land of opportunity without that magical degree. Often times, they are able to make better money right off and without any debt incurred. Stop devaluing the skilled labor of this world both as financial and personal success alike. What do you think? Are you skilled in a trade that can bring you cash?