There is something poetic about looking into a fireplace full of ashes. Something that was once a source of heat, comfort, light, smell and overall ambiance of a well remembered evening or weekend is now gone and ready for the wind to take it away. Something that breathed air, fed and danced so very delicately for the people around it, is now just a memory, unrecognizable by what we see today. The same can be said about so many things in life. Look at people in your life that you once called friend, who are now just strangers, friendships that are just as unrecognizable to the relationship that once lived in our hearts and helped fuel our soul. Maybe its a toy you had as a kid that was inseparable from you at the time is now not even regarded unless someone else brings it up as stories from your childhood spring to life in conversation. How many people have changed so much from who they were do you not recognize? Was it a change for the better or the worst? How many people would not recognize the person you have become? Is that for the better or the worst? I think that in the end, all we really have is memories. We leave this world with all the good and bad things etched into our soul and the true scale of how we live in the ever-after is as easy as what carries more weight. What do you think?