How important is it for you to keep moving forward? I have this theory about time, progression and the relative motion of someone moving forward while you’re standing still. If you’re not growing as a person, you’re essentially moving backwards in relation to the people around you. Fall back far enough and we get caught in the stagnant web of our own makings, lost in the past. The same goes for fixating and holding onto old negativity and not allowing yourself to get over something. Some of the best days of my life are built around forgiving someone or moving past an old grudge. It was impossible to do as a child but I’ve learned that holding onto the hate only gives them power over my life and holds me back from getting into a better headspace. Once I started to clear out the negativity, the things I held onto were almost lost in my mind altogether…almost. What about you? What are you holding onto? What kind of web are you afraid to fall into?