Looking back, at the journey I’ve taken, to follow my heart and not only embrace my hobbies but to try mastering them, puts a smile on my face. It’s not only about the hobbies but the intent I had behind why I wanted to try them in the first place. Photography had always been an interest but never a full fledged obsession until one fate-filled day, I knew that I had to get a good camera and jump into mastering the art. It was in the middle of a flight and we were flying back as the sun was starting to set over the dessert. Words cannot describe the beauty of the sunset we all saw that day. Everyone had a phone and they were passed back for us to take a picture. No matter what phone we used or how many pictures we took, the photos were falling short of capturing half of what our eyes were seeing. It was at that moment, that I never questioned or procrastinated, taking the leap into what I was interested in. That night, I ordered my first real camera and lens. Those failed photos still keep me motivated to keep a camera with me and my skills sharp, so that I will never miss something like that again. It’s funny how many times we never start something or fail to finish what we’ve started, only to encounter a situation where that skill may have been crucial. Maybe I’m a unique case. Has something like this ever happened to you? Do you jump into the things that you find interest in? How many times have you felt a strong pull towards starting a new type of art but didn’t for any little reason that you used as an excuse? If there is one thing that I know is that life is way to short not to live everyday to its fullest…take a shot!