Looking at someones self care habits will give you a far better look into who they are as a person than you would think. The sad part about not caring for yourself is that it was probably learned behavior. I was recently at the doctors office and I heard the same thing I always do, “your ears are really clean, very nice”. This is a little disconcerting, when you think about how many people doctors look at, and know that this is something that stands out enough for them to make a comment about it. In the military, I was shocked to find out how many people don’t clean their ears, use a wash rag or clean under their nails on a regular basis. Flossing was known for the dance and telling people I brush my tongue got me weird looks. Maybe its a cultural thing but I sure hope that some of these decisions are not personal choices that came later in life. Don’t get me wrong, I have a 2 in one shampoo and conditioner, my body was is in a pump container and I don’t moisturize but there has to be a certain level of clean that we all aim for. Do you have any crazy hygiene practices? If so, are you leaving out the basics in some areas while going above in beyond in others? If you wear a mask, when was the last time you washed it? If you wear makeup, when was the last time you washed your brushes? Anyone put their phone in their nasty ass pockets or face down on the table, then right up to their face? Taking a few steps back, you can see how gross some of the actions we do without thinking are. Guys, when’s the last time you changed your sheets or washed your hat?