Live life long enough, accept enough responsibilities in life and push hard for the things you want and you will eventually need time to recharge. Every now and then, taking a step back and looking at what may burn you out is easy if you’re humble. There is a reason the at pride cometh before the fall. Not knowing our limits and going past our redline in life is not sustainable. When things are getting hard to concentrate on or when things are getting far more frustrating than they should be, I take a day or two for myself to recharge mentally and give my soul some time to shine. These are days when I do whatever my soul wants and allow myself to enjoy the fruits of my labor, appreciating the different ways I consider myself blessed. Do you know what things bring you joy? What would you say is a blessing in your life? Are you aware enough to know when you need a break from the everyday things in life that are a constant drain or tax on your happiness? Make sure that you surround yourself with people you trust enough to tell you when you’re getting a little edgy or withdrawn. What do you think? When’s the last time you’ve had a Soul-Day?