Do you have your one-off place that you not only frequent but identify with? That one spot where everyone knows who you are and what you’re about. Where you show up and instantly go into a good headspace and just have a good time no matter what. Isn’t it crazy how a good support system and friend group can impact your life in such a positive way? There is absolutely something to be said for a familiar environment with people that you not only care for, but that cares about and more importantly, cares for, you. When you are around people that have your best interests at heart, you are able to relax a little bit more and be more comfortable with being your authentic self. The more you’re being authentic and take that mask off, the easier it becomes to do in situations where its not all that easy. Do you feel comfortable in your own authentic skin just anywhere or are there places where you feel more free to express who you are? Did you find a place in life that just so happened to welcome you in or is it something that you needed to create in a new space? What makes your secret spot so special and how do you share that with the other people in your life?