Getting up and ready for the day is nothing without the right mindset about what you’re really doing. It’s not enough to just go through the motions and expect the success everyone wants. Putting in the work and just grinding day in and day out, is how you break through to the next level of what you’re doing. If you’re competing for a promotion, out grind the rest of everyone and wake up everyday to out grind what you did the day before. If it’s personal goals in the gym, put in the work to get the results! With everything, if you really want something, it’s not going to just materialize out of nothing. Waking up everyday with knowing that you’re going out and earning your success is necessary, especially knowing that nobody is going to just give you your dreams. If somehow, in some way someone did give you something you really wanted without earning it, it wouldn’t be nearly as enjoyable to have. What do you rise and grind for? Who makes you want to be the person that puts in the work, day in and day out? What dreams have you accomplished or are on the way to accomplishing for no other reason than the blood, sweat and tears you’ve given by going after it?