Why are people so desperate to convert people into their own belief systems and principles? Taking a journey through time, religion has been used over people who believe, to wage wars, their faith leveraged against them. This is on the bigger scale of things but let’s focus on the micro for a bit. A person will do everything they can, to justify what they believe in or what doctrine they follow, trying desperately at times to pull you into their logic. From diets, to fitness trends, religions, magic or occult beliefs and whatever else you can think of. This car or motorcycle is better than that kind. These clothes are more practical than those. My religion or spiritual beliefs make far more sense than yours because of whatever book they want to present as the true word. I feel like people do these things to reaffirm their beliefs by getting someone else to buy into their logic and path they chose to justify it. Am I valid? Please believe me! Get some of the greenest leaders of every different religions and they will have a completely different view points not only from each other but the older leaders in there same religions. As much as people want to believe, faith is the only thing that can stay the same, everything else is subjective to the times and the situations that they apply to. It’s funny to see someone hold onto certain script as pure gold, holding it over someone head, and then going agains so many others of their chosen religion. One thing that should be a universal belief and held above all others is respect. Your views and actions stop where someone else’s begin, but do it in a way that there is a mutual respect of each other and not feeling slighted by their practices. What do you think? Is there only one right belief or are they all there to make us hold a higher power to fear and force us to be good. I like to think that if left to our own devices, we want to exist and be happy. Do you?