Organizing an event even as small as a birthday party can get complicated when you’re trying to pick what kind of food to serve. When it comes to the go-to food, it’s pretty safe to go with pizza but then you have to consider what toppings to buy or if you should get a cheese pizza for that one kid that won’t stop talking about boy scouts. Either way, its kind of nice to know that what may be a perfect pizza for you, is not even palatable for someone else. The same thing applies to all other facets in life and I think that is absolutely great. When doing things and making adult choices, I like to encourage everyone around me to do what they want and make sure they are living their best life for no other reason than that. Do what you want, follow your dreams, have ice-cream for breakfast and go have a Sunday funday with your friends. Do things that you know other people might not understand and don’t apologize for it. What is something that you love and nobody else understands why? Besides me that is. What’s perfect to you?