Looking at some of the older cities in the world and how they have developed into the places they are today, you can see how people innovated to build the infrastructure. Whether its building up and clearing everything out for a concrete jungle or following the terrain and building around everything, cites start to have their own identities. As people, we start to embrace the things around us and the nature part of how we develop as people is in full effect. At the core of all cities or environments, outside of the basics, we can see the character of our surroundings become a part of what we see in places. Having seen the world, every city has its own feel and aesthetic that gives it the charm or identity that people identify with. I’ve grown roots in a lot of places and like them all for different reasons but the one thing that will forever make a place great, is the people living in it. There can be tons of things to do in your area but it’s the people you’re doing those things with that make the moment special. I will always have places that I go back to, for no other reason than the company I get to share while I’m there. What places do you constantly go to? What is it about those places bring you back? If you left your hometown, where did you go? If you didn’t, why did you stay?