How many times in life have things been overly explained or simplistic to the point where you don’t think they need an explanation? I wonder if that’s the case with all the people that would have had the same experience with the same explanation. Is it a know your crowd type of deal where you don’t tell a firefighter what a fire needs to keep on burning or are there certain things that warrant the same kinds of explanations, no matter who you’re telling, based on the overwhelming thought that they won’t know it? This is kind of a hard one. There are definitely culture divides and as to be expected, confusion on certain things. How many colloquialisms do you not even realize are colloquialisms? What kinds of base knowledge do we expect out of people across the globe, and why? I feel like there are a few universal truths in the world but how do we convey the rest of existence to people without knowing we have to? If someone was to start explaining something that you know but could see how other wouldn’t, would you welcome the initiative or be upset about the assumption? I’ve actually been put in this kind of situation a lot and it has never really bothered me but I could see how someone might take offense. I suppose, common sense isn’t a common virtue so there are many things that need to be expanded on with most people in every day life. Take the average person and transplant them to the next state over, let alone country and you will see all sort of disconnects. Maybe the obvious isn’t so obvious to all and we are all just a bit more oblivious than we like to believe.