Some things are just better when there is a completely outside twist, that really doesn’t come close to affecting their function or usability. Texaroni tastes way better than a regular noodle. I will never turn down a dino nugget if given the choice between a regular one. Maybe it’s just me leaning into something novel, as a person, that makes me attach a preference that wouldn’t otherwise be there. I suppose that with most things, we do this anyway. A thing is just a thing until we give it purpose and assign a certain level of value to it. Look at the insane markup on jewelry that people think is absolutely worth it. One of the best examples, to a certain degree, is name brand vs store brand. For the most part, there is absolutely no discernible or very negligible difference but we see a higher value in the name brand. Not sure if this is tied to a need to feel like we’re in a certain tier or class or if we’re stuck in a mindset that store brands are just and inferior product. Is this just another novelty in disguise? Do you think we subconsciously assign greater or lesser value to things based off of price and brand? If something costs more, it must taste or be better…right? What about the other side of the house? Do the people that think it’s all the same and that the marketing is all in the upmark and building up the brand carry this idea across the board in life? What about you? Do you knowingly assign value and status to certain brands without comparing them? Are novelties just that or is there something more to it?