“A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”
How many skillsets do you bring to the table of everyday life? With the advancement of so many different technologies, it’s really easy to lose site of how inept we really are. There’s a service for everything these days. Almost anything that you want can be bought within miles of where you live at a local store or ordered online with a click of a button. How much of what you consume could you also produce if left to rely on yourself? Can you fix your car or at very least rotate your tires and change the oil? If you had a hole in your drywall, leak in a pipe, short in a wire…could you put on your tool belt and make it happen? How many people know how to make bread and tortillas? Do you know how to grow and can your own foods? Raise livestock, fish or hunt? Can you plan a funeral or deliver a baby? It’s interesting to see how short we all fall when it comes to self sufficiency. The medicines we take or basic first aid we rely on. How dependent are you on others? What kind of skills do you actively try to learn and what do you just accept as something you will rely on someone else for? If you need something, can you depend on yourself to deliver? I think that this is something we need to constantly ask ourselves. How prepared are we for the different professional and personal situations that we can expect in life. More importantly…how prepared are we for the different professional and personal situations that we don’t ever expect in life.