When I first started to blog, it was as random as it gets. Hitting my first 10 subscribers was pretty easy. Getting to 100, even with the support of family and friends seemed to be a lot harder than I anticipated. Every major sub count got that much harder and it seemed to be almost unobtainable, considering how hard it was to get any traction at the beginning. When I stopped caring about how to get subscribers and started to focus on the content being authentic to who I am, they really started to take off. After I removed all comments and visible subscriber count, it started to do even better. This year, I completely revamped the site, changed the format and color scheme and added a picture with every posts as a header. Before, this was something I was doing for other people to judge and now that I am doing this for myself and am trying to make a post every day, no matter what. It’s been a challenge but its also been one of the best outlets for my mind, to just share my thoughts and have people be receptive of the content. 26,000 might not seem like a big number but to me, its absolutely wild to see grow into something I would have never thought possible. My hobby has become a passion and I want to thank you for coming along for the ride and supporting me as it continues to develop. I suppose when you enjoy what you’re doing and share genuine thoughts, people can see it.