How many times have you been somewhere around the world and spoken the language of the place you’ve visited without any notable difference in the way they speak? In fact, how many languages have you perfected to fluent? If your answer is only English, and that’s stretching it with the way some of y’all talk, then you should really evaluate how you see the world. When people go to different countries and speak the language of the people, you should really respect that, despite how broken it may be. It gets really old to see how embarrassed people get to try practicing a new language because of the shame and stigma native speakers put on it. Why do we tear people down who are bettering themselves? If anything, we should try to help people that are actively trying to participate and assimilate into our culture. What do you think? Do you look down at people that speak broken English? Do you actively try to help them and show the appreciation for their effort? Why or why not?