What makes things easier to bear as we grow in life? Do things get smaller as the world around us grows? Do we grow as people and the problems are smaller in comparison? One thing that I know, never minimize a problem no matter how small it seems in the world you’ve grown into. The way we posture ourselves after the things we’ve been through is a direct reflection of our growth. We are the change in the equation, not the problems that present themselves to us. Thinking of it as working out with weights makes the most sense to me. The weight is the weight no matter what. It itself doesn’t get lighter just like a problem doesn’t become less significant; we get stronger and the weight of it becomes easier to carry. We need to embrace our ability to overcome adversity by exercising our resilience every opportunity life gives us to do so. What do you think? Do things become more trivial because they are more trivial or do the proportions of those problems skew from who we were, to who we are, as we grow into a life hardened person. Either way, when it rains it pours and I say, after everything I know I can not just survive but thrive against…let it pour!