Looking into a fire with a nice tasty adult beverage, has a certain appeal to it. Let it be in the living room or outside in a fire pit. Something about the smell of the fire, the warmth on your skin and the general atmosphere that it creates with company that we seem to relax and enjoy. If you look at people around a fire, they all have a far off look like the fire is taking them somewhere else. They may be reliving a moment in history. A memory that was triggered by the flames dancing around without a care in the world. Not really sure where I heard it but something has stuck with me since I did. Flames are a living, breathing thing. When you see them and get pulled in, it’s because they are possessed with the spirits of the people of our past and our dancing the night away, enjoying their time with the living people they care about. The reason we are so pulled in, is because we feel the warmth on our bodies as well as in our soul. Might be far off but next time you’re at a bonfire, look at how completely pulled in people get with the flames and tell me it isn’t even slightly plausible. I say, let it burn and let them dance. Not sure how crazy I sound but if you take a hard, objective look at any intangible belief or faith, it sounds just as wild. What do you think? Do people have a different reason to get pulled into a fire? Do they even get pulled into a fire at all?