One of the fundamental parts of mission accomplishment is knowing when you’re helping or hurting a situation. Lead, follow or get out of the way! The same can be said about a lot of different things in life where the best thing you might be able to do is absolutely nothing. Understanding what you offer or when you’re out of your realm of expertise is important. It also shows who you are as a person in different avenues in life. Something that is so easy to do and can have so much impact on the people that need it is simply getting out of the way of emergency vehicles. The amount of times people block or refuse to yield to an ambulance or firetruck in front of me makes it very easy to estimate how many times it happens when I don’t see it. Are we that far gone as a society that there are so many people willing to postpone time in that golden hour because they feel whatever they are doing is more important? I like to think not, and that these people don’t understand that they are actually hindering the situation for someone else. The same can be said about all sorts of things in life. Times where we think we know better or are helping for no other reason than we think we know better. It can be the difference of understanding when someone is just trying to vent and get things off their chest without any feedback or criticism. Maybe you have had the benefit of hindsight in certain situations where it’s so clear on how maybe you getting involved in something was the wrong idea. There can be good intent behind bad ideas. Fully accessing a situation before just blindly doing, becomes more and more important as our actions might have bigger and sometimes irreversible ramifications. When is the last time you were tied up in something where you didn’t know if your were helping or hurting a situation? Have you ever had to force yourself to do nothing, while wanting to help in something that you couldn’t?