With the cold fronts that we’ve been through, firewood for the fireplace was essential to stay warm. More-so, the right kind of wood, the right size of logs and the dryness of the wood was all essential to keeping the fire hot and contributing to the mission. If the wood was cut too small or was too soft, it would burn out too quickly. Had the moisture been too high, it would have smoked like crazy, if it even burned at all. It’s funny how we try to find the right kind of fuel to feed the fire but neglect the parts of ourselves that deserves to be fed. Our imaginations, creativity, interests, relationships and dreams all need to be fed but are often times neglected for things that don’t help us burn the brightest, longest and most efficient. Our minds are just as important as our bodies and neither compare to the relationships they help is forge. What kind of fuel are you using to fuel your fire? Do you make time for the things you need too get where you want to be? How many of the things you hold close to your heart are you neglecting? Fuel the fire or it’ll burn out starving for what could have been.