There are few things that can really effect a large group of people, in a first world country to the point where they struggling for the basic core needs. One of those things that I hate more than anything is being cold. Even worse if its cold and wet but when I get cold enough to not just seek out warmth but have to actively make a fire, I am in a bad headspace. When I get that fire going, I am a completely different person in a positive way. One thing that I am not looking forward to, is the possible repeat of last years Texas freeze. People have to get their jabs in and tell me all about how I wouldn’t last where they live and that a week long freeze is nothing where they’re from. Wow, you mean you have that weather every year so you have the infrastructure already in place to mitigate it? This is something you can plan for year around with the prior experience to know how to handle? Well that’s all good and well but let me flood your town, have a wildfire tear through it, hail destroy everything or maybe just something like an earthquake, hurricane or basic tornado? Something you’ve never had to deal with, aren’t prepared for or have experience with and see what you would do. Let’s cut you off from all travel and shut down your basic needs and you can tell me all about how much that cold weather preparation helped out. Why is it that in cases where people are experiencing something that is completely outside of their wheelhouse, in front of someone who is adequately versed in what to do, there is an immediate negative connotation and judgment? What you are ready for is what you prepare for but why would I wear a parachute if I don’t plan on jumping or getting thrown out of a plane? Maybe, just maybe, there are things that happen in life that happen randomly enough to not foresee in enough time to make bigger changes. Sure I can stock up on firewood and blankets but there’s nothing I can to to prevent them cutting off water or electricity because the grid isn’t built for that kind of weather. What do you tell people in these kinds of situations? Do you offer advice and support or do you see what kind of remarks don’t matter outside of being critical and fire for effect?