There is a certain aspect of what is expected in the day and age we live in that doesn’t go away quite so quickly. If you’re out and about, you see things that would have almost been unheard of in the not so distant past. Hand sanitizer is now a staple of every household, often times preferred over soap. You see people walking around with masks on or wearing a set of rubber gloves out at the grocery market. Plastic shields are up and not for ballistic protection and theft prevention. I know that this isn’t the first type of event of its kind and is far from the last, to have such an impact on the world as a whole but its one we are all actually living through. Experiencing something that you were alive long enough before to understand just how much of an impact it has made, paints a pretty good picture of just how drastic people become. We are always in a self preservation mode and react in kind. Given the idea that a false step or wrong choice will be dire, we try to do everything in our power to come out ahead of the threat. Do you have a certain expectations now, that you would never have even thought of, given this entire turn events over the past few years? How have you normalized things that would have seemed odd or awkward years ago? How long do you think it will take for those things to be odd and awkward again?