When do you jump into something head first? There’s a lot of ways to mitigate risks and insulate yourself from things that could go wrong but it’s naive to believe you thought of everything. At some point, you need to accept the risks, fully commit yourself and jump. The real question is, do you jump in knowing that you may fail or with the mindset that, no matter what, you won’t allow yourself to fail? Do you invest in the idea of what you’re trying to accomplish? The mission? Yourself? What gives you the ability to make the conscious decision, to take that step, you can’t take back? Is it easier for someone who doesn’t have a family that depends on them to risk it all for success? Does someone who has people depending on their success have the advantage of support and motivation to not fail and the drive to provide for something greater than themselves? I think that the pros and cons of every individual situation are nothing compared to the drive of the person that’s trying to get it done. I’ll take work ethic and motivation over anything else. The pure grit of someone who pushes forward no matter what they face makes almost anything achievable. I believe that because I’ve lived that. I’m not special or particularly talented but I will put in the hours and embrace the grind. I feed off of the adversity that life throws at me and work my ass off to get through it, every single time. Whatever it is that makes you jump, embrace it and remember what drives you. Make it your mantra, make it your reality.