Walking around downtown, its easy to see how certain areas are making an effort to bring you in and cultivate a great experience while you’re there. It has always amazed me how just a little bit of art or stylized presentation of a product can make such a difference. It really makes the walk through a neighborhood that much better, bringing the entire place to life. There is something to be said about connecting art with the pulse of a place or town; letting the creativity of the people that live there be expressed with something tangible and in a different way to each of us, relatable. The same can be said about the way we present ourselves to people. Our outfits, walk, talk and overall style the we all own. There is a reason why you picked a certain pair of shoes, jewelry or why you cut your hair the way you do. Even in situations like an important meeting, things like a tray of food and waters out for everyone goes a long way. The overall takeaway with anything in life, to include or professional and personal relationships, is based on our experiences…why not aim to cultivate a good one. What do you do to make your times with people better. What is that special something that you bring to the table that makes a good time, great? How will you be remembered after people experience what you’ve built and presented as a person?