Looking at the way I treat my animals has given me a different perspective on the way I should treat myself. Treats are a reward for solving a puzzle, doing something right or obeying a command. I’ve always tried to keep their minds stimulated and for good reason. People who don’t use their mind and…
Author: Face Pushed
If anything is true in this world its that you need to look out for yourself. Yes, there are good people out there and its safe to say you’re doing well with a good support system, friends and family but you need to look out for number one at all times. Reality is a harsh…
How many times have you been somewhere around the world and spoken the language of the place you’ve visited without any notable difference in the way they speak? In fact, how many languages have you perfected to fluent? If your answer is only English, and that’s stretching it with the way some of y’all talk,…
Did you know that flamingos get their pigmentation of their feathers from what the pigments in the food that they eat? They’re not the only animal like this and there is absolutely something to the way our bodies respond to the things we eat and drink. Have you ever wondered what’s inside of the snacks…