Looking back, at the journey I’ve taken, to follow my heart and not only embrace my hobbies but to try mastering them, puts a smile on my face. It’s not only about the hobbies but the intent I had behind why I wanted to try them in the first place. Photography had always been an…
Author: Face Pushed
There is a certain aspect of what is expected in the day and age we live in that doesn’t go away quite so quickly. If you’re out and about, you see things that would have almost been unheard of in the not so distant past. Hand sanitizer is now a staple of every household, often…
There is something poetic about looking into a fireplace full of ashes. Something that was once a source of heat, comfort, light, smell and overall ambiance of a well remembered evening or weekend is now gone and ready for the wind to take it away. Something that breathed air, fed and danced so very delicately…
It’s surprising how our tastes can stretch across the different varieties of flavor. One thing I have found is that the perfect level of ripeness of a fruit, can drastically change from person to person. Some like things older, riper and sweeter. Others like a freshly picked and slightly more tart flavor. There are others…