Looking at the phone in your hand, googling the past has a very special kind of irony. Can you imagine going back only 100 years and telling the people of the time what they can expect in the coming years? Why stop there? Go back 200, 300, 500 or even 1000 years and tell them…
Author: Face Pushed
Having a tasty adult beverage at the local bar that is modeled after a speak easy, what a lot to take in and digest about our reality. Good drinks and a great atmosphere but not without deeper thought. Can you imagine a world without alcohol? What kind of taboos do you place on a drink…
They say that you can count on two things, no matter what, taxes and death. I’m not arguing against those but would like to interject a third…war. Whether or not there has been an actual declaration of war is irrelevant, war is happening. It’s the mindset behind conflict and can be fought in every way…
Looking into a fire with a nice tasty adult beverage, has a certain appeal to it. Let it be in the living room or outside in a fire pit. Something about the smell of the fire, the warmth on your skin and the general atmosphere that it creates with company that we seem to relax…