If you totaled up all the clothes in your closet that you haven’t touched in over a year, things in your garage that are sitting there and unused for years, would that total up to how awesome you are and how much success you’ve garnered? We go out and work ourselves into a ball of stress to make sure that we have more than could ever be enough, only to look back on things we should have done, not should have bought. Don’t get me wrong, there is something to be said about the tangible worth and use of things we buy and some of them might give us the opportunity to make the best memories out there but what about the stuff that is just for clout? I know that my wardrobe could easily be paired down to about a quarter of what it is and I would probably never wish I had never gotten rid of the rest. I can make an excuse for the stuff because I always circle back around to my hobbies but there’s a lot of thing that sit a whole lot longer than they should. We are raised to be consumers and some of us just take it a little more seriously than others. One of the funniest things about it, is that I was probably having the most fun of my life when I was living in a studio apartment and sleeping on the floor, using a pillowcase stuffed with clothes as a pillow. There was one pan I used to cook everything an I had a hobo knife set that was used and washed after every meal. Totaling up all the things and memories in my life, I can say that I am far richer for making the memories than I could ever be having all the things I could ever want, without anyone to share the time using them. As with all things in life, perspective helps us to find balance with the things we do, why should this be any different? Are you content with what you have or do you want all the things?