When you think about the amazing life after you retire, do you think about the time you have left at your job or the things that you would rather be doing after you retired? This is something that I regularly ask people and I get a whole lot of answers in-between two extremes. Why do either of the groups focus on the other? Are you that upset with your job that you can’t wait until it’s over? Can you not see the happiness in life without seeing a point when you’re not working? I think it’s pretty crazy to see how people can justify a life of absolute misery so that they can enjoy a few years down the road instead of maybe sacrificing a few years now to see a life of great satisfaction a few years down the road. Maybe we are built for instant gratification. Maybe that’s the real test between temporary and lasting happiness. What do you think? Should you plan forward at all or only exist in the moment? Is there any happiness like the happiness we are feeling at this exact time?